Michal Kowalski / About / Posts / CV

Hi, I'm Michal. I'm currently an Electronic Systems Engineering student at AAU. I've been passionate about technology since I was a kid, always tinkering with old hardware my dad had lying around and writing batch scripts on school computers.
As I got older, I learned Python and experimented with C# to make games, though I never really finished one. Instead, I ended up working on various programming projects. In high school, I was introduced to microcontrollers and robotics, which seemed fascinating. Throughout those years, I built several projects integrating different electrical systems.

That being said, engineering isn't my only interest. I also enjoy photography, cooking, exercising, and spending time with friends.

Get in touch

If you'd like to get in touch, whether it's about a project, collaboration, or just to say hi—you can reach out to me through one of these channels:
Github / LinkedIn / [email protected]